Vauxhall Community Garden


Dream it.

It all begins with an idea and on November 10, 2018, we host our official groundbreaking. With a financial donation from Atlantic Health System and the land donated by the Township of Union, members of Golden Rule Lodge No. 24 and Golden Rule Chapter No. 50 celebrated the new garden with residents and township officials.


Build it.

Our goal through this endeavor is to offer the community a unique opportunity to bring generations together, to receive education on healthy eating, to engage in recreational events, and to assist in beautifying the Vauxhall Community.

Grow it.

We currently have 10 garden beds and . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Leasing a Garden Bed

The Vauxhall Community Garden is available to all residents but is limited to the number of raised beds. Residents of Union NJ interested in leasing a bed for a 1 year with an option for a 2 year lease must apply by March 31st of each year. All applicants will be first come first serve basis for the opportunity to lease a bed. All gardeners must read and sign the regulations before applying for a bed.



The annual fee is $40.00 for a single 4’ x 8’ raised bed to help cover garden expenses. This will also entitle the gardener access to water and the community compost pile.

New Applications are accepted from February 15th – March 31th of each year. Applications must be filled out completely. No refunds after May 15.


A garden plot is restricted to the area marked by the raised bed. 4' x 8' Gardens may not be expanded into an adjacent plot or walkway. More than one plot may be leased based upon availability after the registration deadline. Adjourning plots may be connected only with the approval of the Vauxhall Community Garden.

Please respect the rights and privacy of neighbors close to your plot

Gardeners are expected to bring their own tools and other equipment. Small items may be kept in the equipment shed.

The use of chemical pesticides and herbicides is prohibited except when authorized by Vauxhall Community Garden Committee because of a severe plague of insects or disease. The Community Gardens Program will evaluate it on a case by case basis.

Gardeners shall not harvest produce or flowers from another plot without permission!

Each garden plot shall be maintained. If a plot contains grass or weed growth over 18 inches tall, you will be asked to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 5 days, privileges to the garden shall be terminated.

Walkways between plots are to be kept clear in order to facilitate maintenance activities. Do not pile or throw mulch, weeds, rocks, or other materials into these areas. The organic waste bins are to be used only for the disposal of unwanted organic debris. All trash must be removed from the garden site

The following plants are prohibited: Trees, woody shrubs, grapevines, stinging plants, poison oak, and all plants listed on the New Jersey’s Invasive Plant List. The list will available inside equipment shed or


By mid-November, gardens must be winterized. All dead woody vegetation (corn, sunflower, tomato, etc.) must be removed from the garden plot and deposited in the organic waste bin or disposed of. You may cover your garden plot with plastic or leaves to control grass and weed growth during winter and spring, or with winter crops. Items such as plastic chairs, fertilizer bags, plastic containers, debris, and other miscellaneous items must be removed from the garden plot by mid-November. After mid -November, all such items shall be considered garbage or abandoned property and shall be removed by the Vauxhall Community Garden.

Training Session

We had the pleasure of hosting over 30 young men from around New Jersey and teach them gardening basics, including how to build their own box garden, compost and the basics of how to take care of a vegetable garden.